Program Code of Conduct

Attendance and Participation:

  • Professional Dress code. Online or offline presence requires an obligatory dress code; the purpose is to maintain a formal ambiance, professionalism, and respect.
  • Being teachable demonstrates you’re willing to learn and grow, which can be essential for personal development and building relationships.
  • Confidentiality is required; often, we have access to sensitive information, and you are expected to handle this information with discretion and not disclose it to unauthorized parties.
  • Enrolment Deadlines: be aware of applications and agreed appointments.
  • Absence: 24 hours before the lesson is announced, in case a full payment will be charged.

Beneficiary Code of Ethics:

  • Respect for common ethical principles and guidelines. Adherence to a code of conduct is critical for maintaining diplomatic relations and promoting peace and cooperation.
  • Professionalism and Courtesy: you should conduct yourself professionally and courteously and maintain decorum and diplomacy in social interactions.
  • High Sense of Responsibility. Received knowledge offers certain privileges and the ability to influence and manifest easily the situations, so it requires a moral sense and respect for others. A person strictly following Ethical Principles may not have any Morals at all. Likewise, one could violate Ethical Principles within a given system of rules to maintain Moral integrity.
  • Discretion and Reservation: we should not discriminate based on race, gender, religious beliefs, politics, nationality, or other protected characteristics when interacting with others.
  • Active feedback in discussions, theoretical and practical. Only used and passed through us can knowledge be alive and long-lasting.
  • Neutrality and Impartiality should be maintained, refraining from taking sides in conflicts or disputes.
  • Cultural Sensitivity and respect for the traditions, customs, and values of other cultures. This includes understanding and adhering to local etiquette and protocol.
  • In conflict resolution and peace negotiations, we should act toward peaceful solutions to disputes and conflicts, promoting dialogue and diplomacy.

If one or some of these criteria are not respected, the program can be interrupted without explanation or suggestion.

Pedagogical principles used:

I carry out My mission with passion, dignity, and humility. I respect the will and opinions of others without prohibiting or judging.
Etiquette and ethical programs are often used to manipulate, creating an impression for some result. These ways have short legs, and people feel these as a fake impression and arrogance.
I believe any change should start from ourselves first and will become natural after to be the same continuation in social and professional contexts.
The specific mission statement may vary depending on the program’s goals and target audience, but a general mission statement for an Ethics education program is:

  • Self-Reflection: Defining one's ethics often involves self-reflection and introspection. This can lead to a better understanding of one's values, beliefs, and motivations. A distinctive feature of this program is its immediate practicality, creating a mechanism formed on observation - experience - understanding - evaluation - and the choice of an environment for themselves.
  • Moral Development: The program responds to the needs of society in the formation of the morality foundations and ethical culture that allows the full reveal of the personality of the minor and forms a vision of the world. Personal ethics contributes to moral development, helping individuals evolve and mature in their ethical thinking and behavior.
  • Integrity and Trust: Upholding personal ethics fosters trust and integrity in personal and professional relationships. People who consistently act following their ethical principles are more likely to be trusted and respected by others.
  • Guiding Moral Behavior: Personal ethics provides a moral compass, helping individuals distinguish right and wrong actions. It serves as a foundation for ethical decision-making in various aspects of life.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: The program aims to provide beneficiaries with the norms of ethical culture and the foundations of a behavior culture and develop different communication skills as the most vital tool. Personal ethics can influence how individuals navigate cultural and moral differences when interacting with people from diverse backgrounds. It encourages cultural sensitivity and open-mindedness.
  • Accountability: Personal ethics holds individuals accountable for their actions. When individuals act consistently with their ethical principles, they take responsibility for their behavior.
  • Consistency: Personal ethics promotes consistency in behavior. It helps individuals maintain a sense of coherence between their values and actions, reducing cognitive dissonance and inner conflict.
  • Respect for Others: Personal ethics encourages individuals to respect the rights and dignity of others. It promotes empathy, compassion, and consideration for the well-being of others.
  • Conflict Resolution: In personal and professional conflicts, personal ethics can guide and resolve disputes fairly and conscientiously. It can help individuals navigate ethical dilemmas and make responsible choices.
  • Social Responsibility: Personal ethics can create a heightened sense of social responsibility. It encourages individuals to consider their broader societal impact, including environmental sustainability, philanthropy, and community engagement.
  • Promotion of Human Rights: Personal ethics promotes the protection and promotion of human rights, social justice, and the equitable treatment of all individuals.
  • Sustainable Living: Personal ethics can guide responsible choices regarding environmental sustainability, resource consumption, and corporate social responsibility.
  • Parenting and Role Modeling: Individuals with solid personal ethics often serve as positive role models for their children and others. They pass on their values and principles to the next generation.
  • Societal Impact: The collective ethical behavior of individuals shapes the moral behavior of society. A society where individuals prioritize and practice personal ethics is likelier to be just and harmonious.