Personal Diplomacy
Personal Diplomacy is everything about our Self-attitude.
I, as a teacher of Ethics and Diplomacy, can share with you one fundamental observation: when someone tries to be gentle and galant only when there is going outside, to make an impression on others and for some convenience- it is immediately recognized as a fake attitude and hypocrisy, there is manipulation.
Elegance is recognized only if there is coherence in our attitudes, especially when anyone is seeing us. Then, naturally, our attitude will flow smoothly in society as a consequence, which is notable from a distance. These things can not be bought with money: humility, compassion, gratitude.

For whom may be adapted these program?
- In this program are admitted only adults with a high sense of responsibility, so for this reason, admission is possible only after an interview, which will help understand the program's sustainability.

After the complete admission, here are the basic arguments that will be treated offline or online:
  • Personal Ethics
  • Ethical decision making
  • Adequacy
  • Dignity cultivation
  • Applied Ethics

Personal Diplomacy provides concrete, practical self-discipline; here are several essential reasons:
  • Understanding the difference between ethical and moral action
  • Being coherent in social and individual attitudes
  • Improve self-esteem and validation
  • Determine and maintain a strong individuality concept

Here is additional information about the Ethical Virtues program:

Yours sincerely,
Ecaterina Aroma