Table Manners™

Table Manners™

Limited quantity: 10 people

078 64 82 191 watsapp contact for information

Table Manners™ is a code of polite behavior that should be respected during a gathering. Respect for others is a fundamental value that must be implemented before meals.

During one lesson- will be treated one theme, with practical and theoretical knowledge.

The following arguments will be covered:

The Cult of Communions. Respect

Table Manners

Napkins and Tablecloth

Couvert: English& French

Food Ethics

Drinks Ethics. English Tea & Coffee

Cheese and Fruits

Meals and Vegetables

International Menu

Table & Guest Arrangement

@villa Principe Leopoldo

Additional information:

By participating in this chat group or class, you agree that : TPA assumes no responsibility for the event's planning, execution, or any related activities. Any use of the TPA name or logo in connection with this event is not indicative of our endorsement. Participants and organizers of the event are solely responsible for its organization and outcomes."

With Best Regards,

Yours sincerely,

Ecaterina Aroma