Business Ethics™

“Business Ethics™ is presented through internal and external norms in any organization that generates a product or service for individuals.”

  • The professional code of Ethics treats the Ethical standards of a business or organization, the code of conduct for employees, and the codes of professional practice.
  • Which includes a set of principles and norms that, once implemented- govern the corporation hierarchy strategy of decision-making, as well as distinguish right from wrong.
  • Specific laws govern business conduct in some industries, including banking and finance. In others, a code of Ethics may be voluntarily adopted.

The Business Ethics™ chapters are:

Total arguments: 10, each argument is introduced in 2h at dependence of estabilished goals.
  • Corporation code of ethics
  • Corporation code of conduct
  • Professional hierarchy
  • Respect and reputation
  • Professional diplomacy
  • Self-presentations and greetings
  • IQ- business communication
  • BQ- professional kinaesthetic
  • Professional netiquette
  • Small talk. Vertical content
  • Professional copywriting
  • Visit cards etiquette
  • Irony and compliments
  • International negotiations
  • Conflicts and misunderstanding
  • Professional netiquette