Ethical Virtues
Ethical Virtues refers, first of all, to qualities or characteristics that are valued in the context of ethics and morality.
These virtues guide us to make ethical decisions and behave in ways that are morally honorable for us and others.

To be admitted to this program requires an interview, which will help understand the program's sustainability. After the complete admission, here are the basic arguments that will be treated offline and online:
  • Applied Ethics
  • Social Ethics
  • Diplomatic Communication
  • Elegant Manners
  • Table manners
  • Elegant Dress code
  • Events Etiquette

Ethical Virtues provide a relationship foundation, in essence, here are several important reasons:

  • Maintain a strong sense of moral principles of what is right, even in the face of difficulty or opposition. Guide in resolving conflicts fairly and constructively, promoting understanding and reconciliation.
  • Empathize and concern for the well-being of others, treat others with dignity and acknowledge their will.
  • Communicate truthfully and transparently, sharing resources and helping others without expecting something in return.
  • Contributing to a more harmonious community and culture contributes to a sense of well-being and fulfillment, as individuals align their actions with values that promote positive relationships and a meaningful life.

For whom is this program?
  • adults with high sense of responsibility
  • family members for give the right example instead of educate others
  • self made personalities for build long term reputation
  • young ladies and gentlemens for achieve diplomacy in social skills

Here is additional information about the Ethical Virtues program:

Yours sincerely,
Ecaterina Aroma